
Facial contour
Reshaping and
Tissue repositioning.

RELIFE considers the skin as the mirror of well-being. It therefore focuses on helping people to achieve complete well-being starting with their appearance.

RELIFE integrated approach arises from the daily needs of Aesthetic physicians. Through the process of conscious innovation it provides healthcare professionals with effective and innovative aesthetic products enabling them to satisfy the aesthetic desires of their patients.

Our product range is made up of 5 different product categories all addressing different therapeutic areas, the 5R: REshape (facial curves and lines), REstore (facial volume), REsurface (facial skin), REboost (skin revitalization) and REtone (skin tone).


Scientifically tested and researched three dimensional reshaping threads are now in your local Aesthetic physicians hands.

Facial ageing reflects the dynamic, cumulative effects of time on the skin, soft tissues, and deep structural components of the face. It is a complex synergy of skin textural changes and loss of facial volume.

Many of the manifestations of facial ageing reflect the combined effects of gravity, progressive bone absorption, decreased tissue elasticity and redistribution of subcutaneous fullness.(1)

As the skin ages the connective tissue in the skin becomes thinner and the elastic fibres in the skin lose their elasticity. The lack of elasticity brings with it the decline of certain face-shaping supports, the face begins to sag and wrinkles appear.(2)

Using Definisse™ Threads the face can be reshaped and sagging tissues can be moved back to their original position. This is a minimally invasive procedure that can achieve good results, it has a fast recovery time and also a low risk of complications.(3)


Thread reshaping is a minimally invasive procedure that repositions sagging tissues whilst redefining facial contours.

Threads can be used to tighten the tissue and add volume to the area of application. (4)

Thread procedures have a relatively good safety profile with minimum downtime along with both instant and reasonably long lasting results, this procedure is considered excellent in treating sagging skin.(5) When compared to face lift surgery, thread lift treatment requires very little downtime and almost no visible scarring.

Thread procedures are a minimally invasive procedure with very little down time and are suitable for people experiencing early signs of aging, such as minor facial sagging. The thread insertion can give an immediate reshaping result due to the mechanical repositioning action. Once inserted the threads become hidden within the skin itself without any visible scarring. They dissolve within the skin after a period of time.(6)

In addition threads can minimise the signs of aging by stimulating the inner collagen production in the dermis, this results in a delayed lifting effect which enhances the result of the procedure with time.(6)

If inserted by a certified professional then the risk of scarring, severe bruising, bleeding or other complications after having a thread procedure are minimal.(6)

Because of these advantages to the treatment it should be appealing to those patients who do not wish to undergo more invasive surgeries.(4)

DefinisseTM5 Threads

Definisse™ Threads are the result of 10 years research and studies aimed at achieving an effective solution for a non-surgical, minimally invasive face lifting.(6)

Definisse™ Threads are a range of absorbable, monofilament, suspension-barbed threads of synthetic origin (Poly-L-lactic acid and caprolactone, p(LA-CL)) to be used when tissue support is required.


The Definisse™ Threads have 2 main distinguishing features:

1. Absorbable

> They are made of absorbable materials with a limited lifetime, due to the enzymatic action that hydrolyses them (7).

2. Barbed Threads (For Suspension Purposes)

> Barbed threads are sutures with small projections that radiate outward from the centre of the suture. These structural elements are barbs that anchor and lift the soft tissue: the barbs open like an umbrella to form a support structure that lifts the sagging skin(6).


Barbs along the threads grasp drooping facial areas and reposition the soft tissues in the right place. Threads with barbs oriented in a convergent way allow for a mild volumising effect of the treated area, beyond repositioning sagging tissue: this double action is especially important for areas that need volume reshaping, like the cheek area.(2)

Beyond the mechanical action of the tissue repositioning, there is also a revitalising action stimulating synthesis of collagen hyaluronic acid and elastin, thanks to the barbs and the specific material.(6)

Definisse™ Threads has three types of suspension threads:

DefinisseTM free floating threads



Clinical pictures of pre-and-post Definisse™ Threads procedure.


DefinisseTM double needle threads



Clinical pictures of pre-and-post Definisse™ Threads procedure.


DefinisseTM ancorage threads



Clinical pictures of pre-and-post Definisse™ Threads procedure.


(1) Coleman S. R. et al. The Anatomy of the aging face: volume loss and changes in 3-dimensional topography. Aesthet Surg J 2006; 26(Suppl): S4-S9.
(2) Rakesh Kalra Use of barded threads in facial rejuvenation Indian J Plast Surg. 2008 Oct; 41(Suppl): S93–S100.
(3) Wong. V (2020) Reharmonize: A new approach to facial aesthetics using the concepts of reshape, restore & resurface
(4) Yongtrakul P. et al. Thread lift: classification, technique, and how to approach to the patient. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Vol. 10, No. 12, 2016.
(5) Shimizu Y. et al. Thread lift with absorbable monofilament threads. JSAPS 2013 Vol. 35 No. 2.
(6) Reshaping with barbed threads, Enzo Berardesca, 2020, Minerva Medica.
(7) Savoia A. et al. Outcomes in thread lift for facial rejuvenation: a study performed with Happy LiftTM Revitalizing. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb) 2014; 4: 103–114.

IR-WEB-74-2021 IE 21066   |   Date of Use October 2021